UEFI Rust bootloader used to load CoonOS kernel into memory, collect all information about system and give control to the kernel.
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85 lines
2.2 KiB

extern crate uefi;
extern crate uefi_alloc;
extern crate uefi_exts;
extern crate uefi_logger;
extern crate uefi_services;
extern crate log;
extern crate alloc;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json_core;
use serde_json_core::de::from_slice;
use uefi::prelude::*;
use uefi::proto::media::file::{FileAttribute, FileMode};
use uefi::proto::media::fs::SimpleFileSystem;
use uefi_exts::BootServicesExt;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Configuration<'a> {
pub kernel_location: &'a str,
pub load_modules: bool,
impl<'a> Default for Configuration<'a> {
fn default() -> Configuration<'a> {
Configuration {
kernel_location: "\\EFI\\COONBOOT\\CoonKRNL",
load_modules: false,
pub extern "win64" fn uefi_start(_image: uefi::Handle, table: SystemTable<Boot>) -> Status {
let mut buf: [u8; 8000] = [0; 8000];
uefi_services::init(&table).expect_success("Failed to initialize utilities");
.expect_success("Failed to reset stdout");
let mut config: Configuration = Default::default();
let fs = table
.expect("Failed to resolve filesystem")
unsafe {
let mut file = (*fs).open_volume().expect("Failed to open root").unwrap();
let result = file.open(
match result {
Ok(file) => {
let mut file = file.unwrap();
// TODO: Don't panic here
let size = file.read(&mut buf).unwrap().unwrap();
// TODO: Don't panic here too
config = from_slice(&buf[..size]).unwrap();
Err(_) => {
warn!("\\EFI\\COONBOOT\\boot.json not found, using default configuration");
if config.load_modules {
error!("Can't load kernel modules, not supported yet");
info!("Loading kernel from {}", config.kernel_location);